On July 19, 2006, Patricia Medici wrote:
Dear Friends,
Some more good news!!!! This morning we captured our third tapir ... in the very last day of this capture round!!! In fact, it was a recapture, this adult female called Tina that was first captured and radio-collared in April 2004. We were extremely lucky to recapture this animal as we were already thinking that we needed to recapture her to retrieve her radio-collar. Well, mission accomplished!!! We removed her radio-collar and collected all the necessary biological materials for her second epidemiological assessment.
This was a very productive capture round. We captured 3 tapirs in 11 days, and we are all looking forward to increasing this number of animals over the next years as we move forward with our epidemiological monitoring program.
Hope you enjoyed the news from the field and pictures we have been sending over the past days! I will certainly continue to keep you all posted about our activities here in the field and about the plans for our next tapir project in the Pantanal!!!
You all take care, hugs,
Patrícia Medici
M.Sc. in Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and ManagementPhD Candidate, Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), University of KentLowland Tapir Project, IPÊ - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (Institute for Ecological Research)Chair, IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group (TSG)Convener, IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG) - Brasil Regional Network
Avenida Perdizes, 285, Vila São Paulo, Teodoro Sampaio, CEP: 19280-000, São Paulo, BRAZILPhone & Fax: +55-18-3282-4690 / Cell Phone: +55-18-8119-3839
E-mail: epmedici@uol.com.br or medici@ipe.org.br
Web IPÊ: http://www.ipe.org.br/
Web IUCN/SSC TSG: http://www.tapirspecialistgroup.org/
Web IUCN/SSC CBSG: http://www.cbsg.org/
Web DICE: http://www.kent.ac.uk/anthropology/dice/
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