I just received these delightful lowlanad tapir photos with e-mail from Camilo Muños. He wrote:
Hi!!! A long long time ago i visited your site. Anyway i just want to show you (And give you!) this pics i took this december at Pereira's Zoo in Colombia.
I think lots of people might wonder how it feels like to touch a tapir snout. Well it feels just like touching the nose of a horse. The same velvety feeling. Keep the good work!
Camilo Muñoz
Investigador Grupo GIGAAU
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali
Click on any photo to get a close up "in-your-face" warm and wonderful view of the tapir!

How much better can it get? :)

Many thanks to you, Camilo! Chevere!!! This is just what I needed today, and I'm probably not the only one who feels this way! I love it!