Information and funding to help save tapirs and their vanishing habitats
Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Tapir Christmas Card
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
New Mountain Tapir Figurine
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Ronnie Tapir and the Capybara
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Meena and Baby at Dudley Zoo
February 16, 2010
Lowland tapirs Meena (the mom) and baby Ronnie
Please e-mail your photos and text if you would like to see them on this blog.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A Tapir that Doesn't Like Water?
Or . . . here is a link directly to the album.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Beautiful Mountain Tapir Photo by Diego Lizcano
The mountain tapir was was featured as the daily photo for August 18, 2010 on this post on the Bush Warriors blog. Their blog's subtitle, "Stop Poaching and Bushmeat," is one of their important messages. The Bush Warriors' aim is to raise awareness of the "war against some of the most endangered species on our planet." As they noted, the mountain tapir along with Diego's photo had been featured as the IUCN Species of the Day. Diego J. Lizcano, a long-time tapir conservationist and researcher, and is a member of the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group. Check out the Bush Warriors blog for some truly exceptional photos of animals in the wild.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Lion Country Lowland Tapir (with Friends)
This lowland tapir at Lion Country Safari near Miami, Florida, is happy hanging out with several species of larger birds. Tapirs not only tolerate, but usually seem to enjoy the company of other animals, find them entertaining, and have been known to miss them when separated.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Nose to the Ground
by Lee
Join WORLD TAPIR DAY on Facebook.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
TPF Awards $1,000.00 Grant to Emilio Constantino's Conservation Project in the Colombian Orinoco

The Tapir Preservation Fund (TPF) is pleased to announce the winning project for our July-August 2010 call for proposals. The project, "Saving the Orinoco Tapirs in Eastern Colombia," is part of a larger initiative, "Saving Wildlife in the Colombian Orinoco," targeted to protect habitat and numerous threatened wildlife species in the region designated by the project through education, assessment, and the management of private reserves. TPF's "Heidi Frohring Memorial Fund" award of $1,000.00 will help Emilio work toward these goals.
Please read more about this award and the project on the new blog TPF is helping to maintain as part of our contribution to Emilio's work in the Orinoco of Colombia's eastern plains.
Our special thanks to the W.O. and G.L. Frohring Foundation for making this award possible.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Skull of Baird's Tapir

Thursday, September 02, 2010
Watch Your Manners!
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Counting Noses!
written by Lee
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Tapir Fund Found a New Plastic Tapir For Your Collection

Plastic Asian (Malayan) Tapir
Our plastic museum-quality version of the Asian or Malayan tapir has the markings of a real tapir. The "saddle" which extends from its shoulder to its rump, the white rimmed ears, and the remaining black hair covering the legs, chest, and head mimic the pattern designed for camouflage. The plastic Asian tapir measures 4 1/4 inches in length, and 2 1/2 inches high. The realistic "floppy" snout, four-toed front and three-toed back feet (with a little hoof at the end of each toe) help make this the most realistic toy tapir we've ever seen. Other features include the white rims around each small hoof and the strongly chiseled indentation of the face muscles. Even the nostrils appear to flatten as they do in a real tapir. It even has short markings in the plastic indicating its fur coat. This delightful model will complete your diorama or please any tapir collector or collector of animal figurines. You may already be familiar with the quality produced by Safari, Ltd. This sturdy piece will also withstand handling and playtime. See our entire collection of tapirs.
About Asian (Malayan) Tapirs
Monday, August 23, 2010
Leather Tapir Keyring from Italy

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Call for Proposals ~ July-August 2010

$1,000.00 will be awarded in September 2010
. The Tapir Preservation Fund and the Heidi Frohring Memorial Fund will be acknowledged in any publications and materials resulting from this grant.
. A final report with photos will be submitted within a "reasonable" time of completing the project (report date to be determined depending on the project).
1. Must be an active tapir/habitat conservation project that may have a large education component.
c) Your entire project can be completed with $1,000.00 from this grant, or
1. Focus on tapirs or tapir habitat with priority given to projects encompassing conservation of additional animal and plant species and their mutual habitat
2. Sustainability
3. Ability to replicate project or results
4. Supports indigenous and/or local people in conservation efforts
5. Demonstration of coordination with other organizations and projects to reduce duplication of efforts.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Cute Tapir, Wrong Costume

Please e-mail your photos and text if you would like to see them on this blog.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Corinna's Cat Toys Help Raise Funds for Tapir Conservation

This Malayan tapir is one of Corinna Bechko's famous cat toys. She makes the most imaginative things for cats to play with! You can find this tapir and many astonishing pieces of functional art for cats (a "cat's guide to fossils"? Amazing!) and for humans (jewelry, boxes, etc., etc.) in Corinna's Etsy shop, The Frog Bag. You can also find The Frog Bag on Facebook and by going to The Frog Bag's blog.
Yesterday Corinna and The Frog Bag donated $50.00 to the Tapir Preservation Fund. This donation came from sales in the Etsy shop, and brought The Frog Bag's donations to a total of $550.00!
Corinna has had a long-standing interest in tapirs and has been a supporter of tapir conservation long before The Frog Bag came into existence. She also contributes to tapir conservation by letting us sell her wonderful animal jewelry in Tapir and Friends Animal Store online. Here you can find tapirs and other critters, too.
Thanks, Corinna! And thanks to those who purchase and enjoy your wonderful creations!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Contribution Helps Tapirs in Belize

Today we are excited to be sending a donation of $500.00 from David F. to The Belize Zoo. When Sharon learned about the donation, she sent us this photo of herself with one of the zoo's most recent residents, an adorable baby Baird's tapir. The zoo accepts only orphaned or damaged animals, and although this tapir has lost his biological mother, he now has a loving home as an ambassador for wildlife in the Belize Zoo. He may just become the hero of a children's story in the coming months. It would not be the first time Sharon has featured tapirs and the other wild animals of Belize in stories that have made a huge and continuing impact on the way Belizeans and visitors to Belize understand and appreciate the ecology of this small, Central American country.
David's donation will help Sharon pay for a recent project - the completion of a film about the important role that tapirs and other animals of the forests play, standing and healthy, in decreasing the negative impacts of climate change.
Donations for the important work of the Belize Zoo can be made through the Tapir Preservation Fund or through the Belize's Zoo's web site.
Sleeping Tapirs

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tapir Tongue

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010
A Friendly Baird's Tapir at La Marina Wildlife Rescue Center

Check out this link to the tapir page at the rescue center and enjoy the photos. Maybe you will be the next volunteer!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Reflections in a Tapir's Eye
I'm posting these photos today to take part in James's Weekend Reflections, but I've been meaning to post them for some time. It's not often that you get to see a tapir eye this closely. The glass-fronted enclosure allows you to see the tapirs very close much of the time. The white blobs on the right side of the second photo are unfocused reflections of a "T is for Tapir" t-shirt, white on black, although the tapir on the shirt is a different species (Baird's tapir) from the one in the photos above (Malayan tapir).
I also find it so strange and somehow both comforting and frightening to look at an animal's eye this closely. How can we think of harming, neglecting, killing, or eradicating an animal who looks out of something that reminds us so much of our own eyes? We are kindred. How can we think otherwise?
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Visit to Dudley Zoo

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Bones of a Lowland Tapir's Foot
Thanks to a query about the bones of a tapir's feet, I found an old poster in my archives and photographed part of it. I'll put the rest of the poster online when I get a chance. Note that the feet of the four tapir species may show differences, as may the feet of individual animals.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Three Photos from France to Help Raise Awareness for World Tapir Day, 2010
Three wonderful tapir photos arrived by e-mail today with the message that we could use them on the site to help publicize World Tapir Day, 2010.
Please enjoy the photos and follow the link to learn more about World Tapir Day and take part in the activities and fundraising! And, many thanks to you in Le Mans. . . .
The Poteaux family sponsors these lovely tapirs and visits them often.
Merci infiniment des belles photos!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Jan 10, 2010: Snow Tapir!
David wrote:
Here in the UK we have had much more snow than we have most winters. My son Jonathan decided to fashion this creation which is sadly even more endangered than the real thing.
Hopefully this will brighten up your winter's day!
Best Regards,
David Beilby
Reply by Sheryl:
Hey, I even see a carrot! Thanks so much for posting this! We're having a cold winter, too, but no snow yet in Astoria, Oregon. Lots of rain, and no snow tapirs! In fact, this may be a first. I've seen a sandcastle tapir done by Sally Woodcock. It seems you English are advanced when it comes to these creations. . . .