Monday, March 16, 2015

How can photography make a difference in conservation?

Mayo, an Endangered Mountain Tapir ~ Photo by Sergio Sandoval

Conservation photography is the use of photography as a way to create awareness about conservation-related issues in our society. In the case of wildlife, it usually tries to show threatening situations faced by different species. However, showing the beauty of wildlife species is also a way to use photography as a conservation tool.

Mayo, a baby mountain tapir rescued from illegal trade in southern Colombia, has become a symbol for mountain tapir conservation, and his photographs can make a difference for the future of his species.

You can order a photographic print of Mayo and help TPF to update the distribution map of mountain tapirs in Colombia. This will permit us to identify the priority actions for the conservation of the species. Please visit The Tapir Gallery and buy a beautiful photo of Mayo as a way to help to save the mountain tapir.

This blog is sponsored by The Tapir Preservation Fund and
Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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